The Magical Mystery Tour


Winston Churchill, 10 Downing Street, London


The Imitation Game



ALAN TURING: This is unacceptable.


COMMANDER DENNISTON: Turing. If you’d like to discuss the complaint, I’d suggest making a proper appointment with my office.


ALAN TURING: Complaint? Hugh Alexander has denied my requisition. Parts and equipment, to build the machine I’ve designed.


COMMANDER DENNISTON: Your fellow codebreakers are refusing to work with you. They’ve filed a formal complaint.


ALAN TURING: It’s inspired by an old Polish code machine, only infinitely more advanced.


COMMANDER DENNISTON: If you don’t respond to the complaint, I’ll have to take it up with the Home Office.


ALAN TURING: Fine. My response is, they are all idiots. Fire them and use the savings to fund my machine. I’ll only need about a hundred thousand pounds.


COMMANDER DENNISTON: A hundred thousand — Why are you building a machine?


ALAN TURING: It’s highly technical. You wouldn’t understand.


COMMANDER DENNISTON: I suggest you make an effort to try.


ALAN TURING: ... Enigma is a machine. A very well-designed machine. Our problem is that we’re trying to beat it with men. What if only a machine can defeat another machine?


COMMANDER DENNISTON: ... Hugh Alexander is in charge of your unit and if he’s said no, that’s that.

Hugh Alexander君が君たちのチームの責任者だ。そして彼がノーと言っているのであれば、それまでだよ。

ALAN TURING: I do not have time for this —


COMMANDER DENNISTON: — Have you ever won a war before, Turing? I have. Do you know how it’s done? Order. Discipline. Chain of command. You’re not at University any longer. You are a very small cog in a very large system and you’ll do as your commanding officer instructs.


ALAN TURING: Who is your commanding officer?


COMMANDER DENNISTON: Winston Churchill. 10 Downing Street, London. You have a problem with my decision you can take it up with him. 

Winston Churchillだよ。ダウニング街10番地(イギリスの首相官邸)に行ってくれ。もし私の決定に不満があるなら、彼が相談に乗ってくれるだろう。


その後、シーンはBLETCHLEY PARKのメインゲートへ。研究施設から車で出ようとしているMI6(英国版CIA)のMenziesのもとへ駆け寄るアラン・チューリング。 

ALAN TURING: Mr. Menzies! You’re headed back to London, yes?




ALAN TURING: Will you deliver a letter for me?


MENZIES: Well, this should be interesting...




HUGH ALEXANDER: You must be joking. Churchill put Alan in charge?!?!?!


KEITH FURMAN: — This is a terrible plan —


PETER HILTON: — No no no no no no —


ALAN TURING: — Really? I can give these men orders now?


COMMANDER DENNISTON: Though I hate to say it... Yes.


ALAN TURING: Fantastic.Keith and Charles. You’re both fired.


Keith: Excuse me?


Charles: What?


ALAN TURING: You’re mediocre linguists and positively poor codebreakers.


HUGH ALEXANDER: Alan, you can’t just fire Keith and Charles.


ALAN TURING: He just said I could.


COMMANDER DENNISTON: I did no such thing.


STEWART MENZIES: But Churchill did.




HUGH ALEXANDER: This is inhuman. Even for you.


STEWART MENZIES: ... Popular at school, were you?


Oh, What a Movie!



アメリカ人の友人が言ってた。「こっちでモテる男はどんなかって?甘いマスクでも、高身長でもないね。本当に女にモテる奴は、『COOL GUY』だ。」




【原題】Jersey Boys




ニュージャージーのストリートで、いつかはフランク・シナトラのように歌でスターになることを夢見て暮らすFrankie。兄貴分であるTommyやNickといったガラの悪い先輩たちとともに、様々なトラブルに巻き込まれながらも、その音楽に磨きをかけていく。Bob Gaudioという才能あるシンガーソングライターを迎え、名をThe Four Seasonsに定めた4人は、名曲Sherryを皮切りとして、一挙にスターダムへとのし上がり、後にロックの殿堂が「the Beatles以前に最も成功した」と認めるほどの大ブームを巻き起こす。しかし彼らの成功は、永遠に続くものではなかった...






Tommy Devito: You wanna hear the real story? I'm the one you wanna talk to: Tommy DeVito. Wasn't for me, we all would have wound up in the trunk of somebody's car with a bullet in our head(俺のおかげで、みんな死なないで済んでやがるんだ。). There's even a street named after me. Of course, it don't〔sic〕 come easy. You gotta have skills, talent and vision. And luck!

Bob Gaudio: I heard them all, but I never heard a voice like Frankie Valli's. After eight bars, I know I need to write for this voice.

Nick Massi: Tommy will tell you the trouble started that day at the Ed Sullivan show with the $150,000. But that was Tom. He was always working so far down the road(その時が来るまで何もしない)he couldn’t see what was going on around him. Truth is, trouble started a long time ago. You’d think after everything that went down, Frankie would have cut Tommy out by now. If that's waht you think, you’re not from Jersey. 




Nick Massi: Excuse me, with all due respect, he opened it up, I'm gonna say something. I've been rooming with this guy on and off for what is it, ten years? This was not a walk in a park, this was a sentence. A ten year sentence. The man is a personal nightmare. He wears the same underwear 3 days running. He takes no pride in his appearance in the simple amenities of life. You wanna talk about towels? The man cannot be in a hotel without using all the towels. I'm talking face towels, bath towels, the bathmat, the little washcloths like he's living alone. You need a towel, you know where it is? In a wet pile on the floor. I come back to the room one time, the man is pissing in the sink.

Tommy Devito: I never pissed in the sink.

Nick Massi: Right in the sink, right in the fucking sink! I say "Tommy, what's wrong with you? There's a toilet over there." He says "This was closer." This is what I'm dealing with! The man is not properly socialized. Frankie doesn't have to deal with it, Gaudio doesn't, I've had to deal with it. TEN YEARS!


Tommy Devito: You know what I do now? I work for Joe Pesci. Little Joey Fishes, same kid I used to smack around. A couple of months ago, we were driving through the old neighborhood. He said "Hey Tommy, how do you remember yourself back then?" I said "I think I was a pretty stand up guy." He said "I gotta be honest with you. You were total prick(嫌な奴). Nobody would have put up with your shit except we all needed something. Everybody remembers it the way they need to, right?

Nick Massi: People always ask the same question, why'd you do it Nicky? Why'd you walk away? Well let me clear that up. It wasn't the signed deal, it wasn't the touring, it wasn't the bad food or rooming with Tommy, it just came out of my mouth. Once I said it, I knew it was what I wanted. I wanted to go home.

Frankie Valli: They ask you "what was the high point?" Hall of Fame(ロックの殿堂), selling all those records, pulling Sherry out of the hat(手品のように), it was all great. But four guys under a street lamp, when it was all still ahead of us, the first time we made that sound, our sound. When everything dropped away and all there was was the music. That was the best.

Bob Gaudio: I'm not drawn to the old neighborhood, my life never revolved around (中心に展開する)the old neighborhood, I don't give a fuck(=don't care) about the old neighborhood. I'm from wherever I happen to be, and these days that's Nashville, Tennessee. Just me, my beautiful wife and a good cigar. Quiet, and peaceful in the knowledge that none of this could have happened without me.

Tommy Devito: Oh, by the way, if you're ever in Vegas, go to a casino. Say the name, "Tommy DeVito." My hand to God(神に誓って), you'll be outta(= out of)there in about 12 seconds.



But I'm a creep...








【原題】The Social Network





※ 本作はドキュメンタリーではなく、事実をベースにしたフィクションである。







Administrator: Mr. Zuckerberg, this is an Administrative Board hearing. You're being accused of intentionally breaching security, violating copyrights and violating individual privacy by creating the website, "" You're also charged with being in violation of the university's policy on distribution of digitized images. Before we begin with our questioning you're allowed to make a statement. Would you like to do so?

Mark: Uh...I've, you know, I've already apologized in the Crimson to the ABHW, to Fuerza Latina and to any women at Harvard who might have been insulted as I take it they were. As for any charges stemming from the breach of security, I believe I deserve some recognition from this Board.

Administrator: I'm sorry?

Mark: Yes.

Administrator: I don't understand.

Mark: Which part?  

Administrator: You believe you deserve recognition?

Mark: I pointed out some pretty gaping holes(大きな穴)in your system. 

Cox: Mr. Zuckerberg, I'm in charge of security for all computers on the Harvard system. I can assure you of its sophistication and in fact it was that level of sophistication that led us to you in less four hours.

Mark: Four hours?

Cox: Yes, sir. 

Mark: That would be impressive except if you’d known what you were looking for you would have seen it written on my dorm room window.


Sean Parker: You don't even know what the thing is yet. How big it can get, how far it can go. This is no time to take your chips down. A million dollars isn't cool, you know what's cool? 

Eduardo Saverin: You? 

Sean Parker: A billion dollars. And that's where you're headed, a billion dollar valuation. Unless you take bad advice, in which case you may as well have come up with a chain of very successful yogurt shops. When you go fishing you can catch a lot of fish, or you can catch a big fish. You ever walk into a guy's den(私室)and see a picture of him standing next to fourteen trout? 

Christy: No, he's holding a three-thousand-pound marlin. 

Sean Parker: Yup! 

Mark Zuckerberg: That's a good analogy. 

Eduardo Saverin: Okay, but we all know that marlins don't really weigh three-thousand pounds, right? 

Christy: Have you seen the big ones up close? 

Eduardo Saverin: No I haven't, but I really don't think the guy's holding a marlin the size of a Range Rover. That would be a really big fish and a very strong guy. 

Christy: You think we might be getting away from the point?


Sean Parker: You're twenty minutes late. You're gonna walk in there and say you overslept and didn't have time to get dressed. They're gonna pitch you. Case Equity is gonna pitch you. They're gonna beg you to take their money. You're gonna nod, you're gonna nod, you're gonna nod, and then you're gonna say, "Which one of you is Roth?" No, not Roth. Manningham. "Which one of you is Mitchell Manningham?" And he'll say, "I am." And then you say, "Sean Parker says, 'Fuck you,'" Walk out.


Mark: You froze our account? Without money the site can't function. Okay, let me tell you the difference between Facebook and everyone else, we don't crash EVER! If those servers are down for even a day, our entire reputation is irreversibly destroyed! Users are fickle(気まぐれな), Friendster has proved that. Even a few people leaving would reverberate(反響する) through the entire userbase. The users are interconnected, that is the whole point. College kids are online because their friends are online, and if one domino goes, the other dominos go, don't you get that? I am not going back to the Caribbean Night at AEPi!




Mark: You signed the papers.

Eduardo: You set me up.

Mark: You're gonna blame me because you were the business head of the company and you made a bad business deal with your own company?

Eduardo Saverin: This is gonna be like I'm not a part of Facebook!

Sean Parker: It won't be like you're not a part of Facebook. You're not a part of Facebook.

Eduardo Saverin: My name's on the masthead.

Sean Parker: You might wanna check again.

Eduardo Saverin: Just because I froze the account?

Sean Parker: Did you think we were going to let you parade around in your ridiculous suits pretending you were running this company?

Eduardo Saverin: Sorry! My Prada's at the cleaners! Along with my hoodie and my 'fuck you' flip-flops(Seanはパーカーを好み、Markはよくサンダルを履いている), you pretentious douchebag(うぬぼれのクソ野郎)!

Sean Parker: Security's here, you'll be leaving now.

Eduardo Saverin: I'm not signing those papers.

Sean Parker: We will get the signature.

Eduardo Saverin: Tell me this isn't about me getting into the Phoenix. You... You did it! I knew you did it! You planted that story about the chicken!

Mark Zuckerberg: I didn't plant the story about the chicken.

Sean Parker: What's he talking about?

Eduardo Saverin: You had me accused of animal cruelty.

Sean Parker: Seriously, what the hell's the chicken?

Eduardo Saverin: And I'll bet what you hated the most was that they identified me as a co-founder of Facebook, which I am. You better lawyer up asshole, because I'm not coming back for 30%(元々の、Eduarudoの株式持分比率), I'm coming back for EVERYTHING.



アメリカ合衆国財務長官であり、映画当時はハーバード大学学長であったLawrence Summers。Winklevoss兄弟が、Markのアイデア盗用について対処を求めにやってきた面会のシーンについて、こんなコメントを残している。




Larry Summers: Well, that's their own stupidity, I should have been there. Well, darkness is the absence of light, and the stupidity in that instance was the absence of me... Kathrine, I've got students in my office now. Students. Undergrads. I don't know, from the looks of it, they want to sell me a Brooks Brothers franchise. Good morning. 

Cameron Winklevoss: Good morning sir. I'm Cameron Winklevoss, and this is my brother Tyler. 

Larry Summers: And you're here because... either of you can answer

Cameron Winklevoss: Oh, I'm sorry sir, I thought you were reading the letter. 

Larry Summers: I've read the letter. 

Cameron Winklevoss: Well, we came up with an idea for a website called HarvardConnection, and we've since changed the name to ConnectU - and Mark Zuckerberg stole that idea... 

Larry Summers: I understand. And I'm asking what you want me to do about it. 

Cameron Winklevoss: Well, sir, in the Harvard student handbook, which is distributed to each freshmen, under the heading "Standards of Conduct in the Harvard Community," it says that the college expects all students to be honest and forthcoming in their dealings with members in this community. Students are required to respect public and private ownership, and instances of theft, misappropriation(不正流用)... 

Larry Summers: Anne(秘書の名前)? 

Anne: Yes, sir? 

Larry Summers: Punch me in the face. Go ahead. 

Cameron Winklevoss: ... or unauthorized use will result in disciplinary action, including a requirement to withdraw from the college. 

Larry Summers: And you memorized that instead of doing what?

Tyler Winklevoss: Sir, it's against university rules to steal from another student, plain and simple. 

Larry Summers: You've spoken to your house master? 

Cameron Winklevoss: Yes, sir. And the house master made a recommendation to the Ad Board, but the Ad Board won't see us. 

Larry Summers: Have you tried dealing with the other student directly? 

Cameron Winklevoss: Mr. Zuckerberg hasn't been responding to any of our emails or phone calls for the last two weeks. He doesn't answer when we knock on his door at Kirkland and the closest I've come to dealing with him face-to-face is when I saw him on the quad(四人部屋) and chased him through Harvard Square. 

Larry Summers: You chased him? 

Cameron Winklevoss: I-I-I saw him and I know he saw me. I went after him and then he disappeared. 

Larry Summers: I don't see this as a university issue. 

Tyler Winklevoss: Of course this is a university issue. There's a code of ethics and an honor code and he violated them both 

Larry Summers: You enter into a code of ethics with the university, not with each other. 

Tyler Winklevoss: I'm sorry, president Summers, but what you just said makes no sense to me at all. 

Larry Summers: I'm devastated by that.

Tyler Winklevoss: This isn't petty larceny(軽い窃盗罪). This idea is potentially worth millions of dollars. 

Larry Summers: Millions! 

Cameron Winklevoss: Yes. 

Larry Summers: You might just be letting your imaginations run away with you. 

Tyler Winklevoss: Sir, I honestly don't think you're in any position to make that call. 

Larry Summers: I was the U.S. Treasury Secretary. I'm in some position to make that call. 

Tyler Winklevoss: Letting our imaginations run away with us is exactly what we were told to do in your freshmen address. 

Larry Summers: Then I would suggest that you let your imaginations run away with you on a new project. 

Cameron Winklevoss: You would? 

Larry Summers: Yes. Everyone at Harvard's inventing something. Harvard undergraduates believe that inventing a job is better than finding a job. So, I'll suggest again that the two of you come up with a new new project. 

Cameron Winklevoss: I'm sorry, sir, but that's not the point. 

Larry Summers: Please, arrive at the point. 

Tyler Winklevoss: You don't have to be an intellectual property expert to understand the difference between right and wrong. 

Larry Summers: And you're saying that I don't? 

Cameron Winklevoss: Of course I'm not saying that, sir. 

Tyler Winklevoss: I'm saying that. 

Larry Summers: Really?

Quintessence of Life







【原題】The Secret Life of Walter Mitty




かの有名な雑誌『LIFE』に16年間務めるWalter Mittyは、写真のネガを取り扱う平凡な社員。最近オフィスにやってきた女性Cheryl Melhoffに恋心を抱いているものの、声もかけられない。そんななか、Walterが務めるLIFE社は、昨今のデジタル化のあおりを受けて人員削減を行うとともに、次号を最後に、雑誌の刊行を終了すると発表。長年LIFE社に対して写真を提供し続けたミステリアスな写真家Sean O'Connellは、その最終号の表紙として、「人生最高の一枚」であるネガをLIFE社に届けるも、不幸なことにWalterはその一枚を無くしてしまった。誰も消息をつかめず、世界中を飛び回るプロ写真家Seanを追うべく、Walterは、人生最大の冒険へと足を踏み入れる......





To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see bihind the wall, to draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of "LIFE." 










Beautiful things don't ask for attention.


I haven't really been anywhere noteworthy or mentionable.



Life is about courage and going into the unknown.

Stop Dreaming, Start Living! 



"What's the matter?"

"I lost a picture."

"I like misteries. You should go! CRACK THE CASE!!"